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Minutes can Save Lives, Learn the Signs, Say It's a Stroke, Save#precious time

In order to purchase WORLD STROKE, RS Advent Bandung dr: PUBLIC SEMINARS: Minutes can Save Lives, Learn the Signs, Say It's a Stroke, Save#precious time Sometimes we underestimate the symptoms of stroke and how these symptoms appear. In fact, time is the most important factor in the treatment of stroke. Let's get to know more about the symptoms of stroke, risk factors, rehabilitation of stroke patients and how to intervene in stroke patients with experts in their fields. In addition, participants are invited to learn and move together to do stroke gymnastics. This event will be held on a hybrid basis on: ️ Sunday, October 30, 2022 07.00 - done Multipurpose Building 1st Floor, Adventist Hospital Jl. Cihampelas no. 161, Bandung Online : via Zoom Meeting Number : 222 777 5050 Passcode : rsadvent Seminar Link: For more information, contact: Customer service: 0822 5885 8870 0823 1605 7773

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Caring for people with Alzheimer's can sometimes be very difficult. However, there are ways to deal with the situation and can help you as a caregiver and family with Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia, which is characterized by memory loss, thinking, or behavioral symptoms that interfere with activities of daily living. What we need to understand together is ALZHEIMER IS NOT A NORMAL PART OF AGING, ALZHEIMER MUST BE TREATED. Alzheimer's disease, first described by the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer, is a physical disease that affects the brain. Over time the diseased protein plaques and convoluted fibers develop in the structure of the brain leading to the death of brain cells. People with Alzheimer's also have a deficiency of several important chemicals in their brain. These chemicals are involved with sending messages in the brain. Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, gradually over time and causing more parts of the brain to be damaged. That's why the symptoms that appear to be more severe. ALZHEIMER DEMENTIA STADIUM LIGHT Mild cognitive impairment when a person has difficulty remembering things or thinking clearly but the symptoms are not severe enough to point to a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Recent research has shown that people with mild stages have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. However, progression from mild stage to Alzheimer's is low (about 10%-20% annually) and consequently a diagnosis of mild stage does not necessarily mean that the person will go on to progress to Alzheimer's. CURRENTLY There are leaps and bounds in remembering and thinking. begins to need help in daily activities, and personality changes may occur. At this stage, you will: can't remember your own address or phone number, or where you went to school, confused about the day and where they are, have trouble counting easy, such as counting subtraction 4 from 40, or counting 20, 18, 16, sleep patterns change a lot – for example sleeping through the day and becoming restless at night, changing personality and behavior, including being suspicious and having lots of fantasies (e.g. feeling that the nurse is cheating), or doing things over and over like tearing tissues. HEAVY At this stage, the patient loses the ability to interact with the environment appropriately, the ability to converse, and control movements although he can still say words or fragments of sentences. At this stage, the patient really needs help doing daily activities such as cleaning, eating and going to the bathroom. They may also lose the ability to smile, sit without support or support, and hold their head up. Their muscles stiffen and chewing becomes difficult. Keep in mind, it is difficult to pinpoint which stage a patient is in, because these symptoms often overlap. A person with Alzheimer's will need the help of a caregiver to organize their day. Structured and enjoyable activities can often reduce anxiety and irritability, and improve mood. Daily activity plans allow you to spend less time figuring out what to do, and more time doing activities that are meaningful and provide fun. A person with Alzheimer's does not have to stop doing the activities he or she enjoys. Many activities can be modified according to ability. In addition to improving quality of life, activities can reduce behaviors such as wandering or restlessness and irritability. Things to do: 1. Do activities that interest you and are adjusted to your abilities. 2. Pay special attention to what you like. 3. Consider whether you can start an activity without direction, such as preparing breakfast in the morning. 4. Pay attention to physical conditions, such as whether you get tired quickly after activities. 5. Focus on fun things. 6. Engage in daily activities, such as watering flowers. 7. Find a favorite activity, such as reading the newspaper. 8. Consider time for activities, such as taking a shower in the morning. 9. Adjust activities to the stage of the disease. Good Communicate People with Alzheimer's can gradually experience a decline in their ability to communicate. Not only do they have a harder time expressing their thoughts and emotions, they also have a harder time understanding other people, such as: 1. Difficulty finding the right words. 2. Using familiar words repeatedly. 3. Difficulty arranging words logically. 4. Rely on more movement when speaking. There is no one parenting formula that fits all people with Alzheimer's Dementia. The importance of the commitment of caregivers and families to provide assistance and care so as to improve the quality of life for people with Alzheimer's. Let's treat them with love. Reference: 1. 2. file:///E:/MATERI%20KONSULTASI/Tips%20Bagi%20Pengasuh%20dan%20Keluarga%20Penyandang%20Demensia%20Alzheimer.pdf 3.  

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Monkeypox (monkeypox) is a disease caused by the monkeypox virus which is transmitted through animals but is currently being transmitted from human to human. Case Finding Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 in Denmark when there were two such cases of smallpox appearing in a monkey colony kept for research, hence the name 'monkeypox'. The first case of monkeypox in humans was found in 1970, namely in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A 9-year-old child was exposed to the monkey pox, and since then cases of monkey pox in humans have often occurred in Central and West Africa. May 9, 2019 Confirmed case of Monkeypox (MPX): A Nigerian citizen (endemic Monkeypox) visited Singapore on April 28, 2019, tested positive for the Monkeypox virus (MPXV) on May 8, 2019, there are 1 Case and 23 people who have close contact with him have been quarantined. August 20, 2022 1 confirmed case in Indonesia. A person with travel history from the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and France. Currently, Indonesia is intensifying the discovery of monkeypox cases and trying to prevent Indonesia from spreading this disease. Monkeypox Transmission You can become infected if you come into physical contact with a monkeypox sufferer or with contaminated items. Monkeypox is spread when a person has direct skin-to-skin contact or saliva splashes from an infected person, including during sexual intercourse.1 Monkeypox Symptoms Incubation period: usually 6-16 days, but can range from 5-21 days Prodromal phase (1-3 days): Fever Great headache Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes) Back pain Muscle pain and weakness Eruption phase (Most infectious phase): The rash or lesions on the skin usually start on the face and then gradually spread to other parts of the body; ranging from: red spots like smallpox (maculopapules), blisters filled with clear fluid (blisters), blisters filled with pus (pustules), then hardened (crusts) or scabs and then fall off. It usually takes up to 3 weeks for the period of the lesions to disappear and fall off. Monkeypox is usually a self-limiting disease with symptoms lasting 14-21 days.2 Difference between Monkeypox, Smallpox and Chickenpox3 Treatment Currently, there is no specific treatment available for monkeypox infection, but monkeypox outbreaks can be controlled. Smallpox vaccine, cidofovir, ST-246, and vaccinia immune globulin (VIG) can be used to control monkeypox outbreaks, but their numbers are still limited.4 Prevention5 Implement clean and healthy living behaviors, such as washing hands with soap and water, or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid direct contact with rats or primates and limit direct exposure to blood or undercooked meat. Avoid physical contact with an infected person or contaminated material, including bedding or clothing the patient has worn. Avoid contact with wild animals or consuming bush meat Travelers who have just returned from an infected area should immediately check themselves if they experience symptoms of sudden high fever, enlarged lymph nodes and skin rash, within < 3 weeks after returning, and inform their travel history Health workers should use gloves, masks and protective clothing when handling sick patients or animals. References: 1. Monkeypox/ 2013, CDC 2015, Updated: WHO June 2018 2. Kemenkes RI 2019, HTTP://INFEKSIEMERGING.KEMKES.GO.ID 3. N Engl J Med 2004;350;4:344-50 4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases. : December 7, 2016 5. Kemenkes RI 2019, HTTP://INFEKSIEMERGING.KEMKES.GO.ID

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What are the benefits of exercise for people with diabetes?

By Willy Yonas “Exercise is Medicine” is the motto of the United States sports medicine specialist. Just like drinking drugs, exercise also has the right dose so that you can be healthier. Suggestions for diabetics in exercising from the American Diabetes Association are: doing aerobics and strength training Minimum 150 minutes/week (if more is allowed) What happens when people with diabetes exercise regularly? Cells in the body become more sensitive to insulin Burns fats between muscle cells and liver so that insulin resistance can be reduced Increase muscle mass so that blood sugar metabolism will be good Examples of aerobic exercise: On foot jogging Swimming Bicycle Aerobic exercise is a sport that is continuous or takes place continuously. 30 minutes is recommended. Examples of strength training (strength training): Squat (stand squat) lunge movement Jingjit (raised calf) Push up Pull up Tricep band Bicep curl (angkat barbel) Dll. With age, muscle mass will slowly shrink, which is why it is important to maintain muscle mass in order to stay healthy. The only way to maintain muscle mass is by exercising. Choose a sport that you enjoy, that is easy to do, doesn't take up much time (especially if you're busy). Choose a practical one, which can be done anywhere, so there is no reason not to exercise. Exercise is medicine. There is no drug that can replace the benefits of exercise. Let's exercise and control diabetes!​​​​​​​

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We often experience coughs and sneezes unexpectedly and wherever we are. Coughing and sneezing is a good and fast way of transmitting disease to others around us. Why is that ?? When you cough and sneeze, you will feel splashes coming out of your nose and mouth. The splash contains microorganisms or germs. The splash will fly freely in the air so that it can be inhaled by the people around us. The end result is that coughs and flu spread quickly. For that we provide tips on how we can prevent the transmission of coughs and flu easily: If you are suffering from a cough or flu, you should wear a mask. The use of masks must be appropriate, namely covering the nose to the chin. Or if you cough or sneeze, immediately cover your nose and mouth with a tissue and then throw the tissue into the available trash can and wash your hands. If we don't bring tissue, then use our inner upper arm to cover our nose and mouth. It is not recommended to cover with the palm of the hand, if there are no hand washing facilities in the place. Let's prevent the transmission and spread of disease with a culture of healthy living.

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