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TOSS TB Find Treat Until Cure Tuberculosis TB or Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria TB (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis). These germs attack the human body, especially the lungs. TB is not a hereditary disease, not caused by a curse or witchcraft. How is it transmitted? TB germs come out into the air (through droplets / sprinkling of phlegm) when a TB patient coughs, sneezes or talks Main Symptoms: Cough (phlegm or no sputum) Other symptoms: Fever Fever (fever is not too high) Coughing up phlegm (may mix with blood) CHEST PAIN SWEATING FOR NO CAUSE (especially at night) DECREASED APPLICATION WEIGHT LOSS TB CHECK 1. Sputum check Sputum is taken 2 times within 2 days, namely: SP/SS WHEN arriving at the health facility (1st day) MORNING after waking up (2nd day) WHEN coming to the health facility (day 2) 2. Chest X-ray 3. Additional examination in the form of chest X-ray (if the sputum examination is negative, while other TB symptoms are present) ​​​​ TB TREATMENT Treatment lasts for 6-8 months which is divided into 2 stages Initial Stage: The drug is taken every day for 2 or 3 months Final Stage: The drug is taken 3 times a week for 4 or 5 months Healthy lifestyle and TB prevention Eat nutritious food to increase endurance Open the windows so that the house gets enough sunlight and fresh air Drying the bedding so it doesn't get damp Getting a BCG vaccine injection for children under 5 years to avoid severe TB (meningitis and miliary) Regular exercise Do not smoke IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS OF TB, IMMEDIATELY CHECK OUT THE NEAREST CENTER OR HOSPITAL SOURCE: KEMENKES.ID

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Great hope in controlling blood sugar, even though you are old!

By Willy Yonas It's been almost 2 years since the Healthy Living Self Therapy Program for Diabetes. In April & May 2022, the 8th and 9th batches were completed after participating in the program for 12 weeks. The total participants from these two batches were 20 people. Program participants vary from place of origin. There are those from Bandung, Jakarta, Manado, Surabaya, Tangerang, Cianjur, and Subang. The diverse backgrounds and habits of the participants provided a challenge for the diabetes program team at the Bandung Adventist Hospital in suggesting a healthy lifestyle. Participants who take part in the program conditions vary. There are those who use insulin, diabetes drugs, some do not use any drugs. There are also those who have experienced decreased kidney function. Each participant is on their own journey of illness. Everyone's condition is unique. The visible progress is not very comparable with one another. In batch 9, we have the oldest participant so far. The mother who comes from Surabaya is 85 years old. An elderly person, when changing his diet to a plant-based diet according to the daily nutritional needs, and also exercising regularly according to his ability, can still experience extraordinary progress. HbA1c checks can drop from 11.4% to 7.6% in 3 months! At first her mother was afraid to eat because her blood sugar was around 300-400. But with the right direction and implementation, it turns out that blood sugar can drop very close to normal. We, the diabetes program team at Bandung Adventist Hospital learned one thing, that it's never too late to live a healthy life! There is always hope for everyone who wants to strive to be healthier with the help of God Almighty.

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Get to know more about BRAIN FOG

Brain fog is not a health problem, but rather a term used to describe a cognitive disorder that involves: • Memory impairment, easy to forget • Difficulty concentrating, can't focus • Thinking longer than usual • Confused • Difficult to find words In one study in the Journal of Neurology "Assessment of Cognitive Function in Patients After Covid-19 Infection", said that this virus not only attacks the respiratory system but can attack all of our body systems. Viruses attack the nervous system, heart, and digestion.1 Reported in a study, it was found that some people with the Covid-19 condition will experience some form of complications such as brain inflammation (encephalopathy), blood vessel disorders that lead to stroke, or lack of oxygen (hypoxia) which causes brain cell damage. Supporting this in research by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the National Eye Institute, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, researchers found that after a mild case of COVID-19, one of the human immune cells in the brain called microglia become active and remain more reactive even weeks later. When microglia are more reactive, the brain has difficulty keeping up with some of its routine tasks, such as making new neurons in the hippocampus, which is a part of the brain that plays an important role in learning and memory. This research shows that even a mild case of COVID-19 that only affects the respiratory system can have a long-term effect on how brain cells work. This could explain why some people report having problems with concentration and memory after COVID-19.2 Interestingly, research conducted by the University of Stanford found that brain fog after COVID-19 is biologically similar to the cognitive impairment caused by cancer chemotherapy, something doctors often refer to as "chemo brain." In both cases, excessive inflammation damages the same brain cells and processes.3 What can we do?4 1. Sports Do aerobic exercise. You may need to start slowly, maybe just two to three minutes several times a day. While there is no set "dose" of exercise to improve brain health, it is generally recommended that you exercise for 30 minutes a day, five days a week. 2. Get Enough Sleep Getting enough sleep can help flush out toxins that can contribute to brain fog. Make sure to get enough sleep, which is about 7-8 hours every night. 3. Eat nutritious food A healthy diet including olive oil, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and whole grains has been shown to improve thinking, memory. and brain health. 4. Avoid substances that can affect brain function Give your brain the best chance of healing by avoiding substances that can affect it. 5. Do activities that stimulate the brain Doing activities that stimulate the brain can help increase the production of a chemical in the brain called norepinephrine. This substance stimulates the brain to work optimally, thereby lowering your risk of developing brain fog. 6. Avoid stress, think positive Brain fog can also be caused by stress and depression. Meditation can also help reduce stress and relax your brain and body. Resources:

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Healthy Living Independent Therapy for Diabetes for 12 weeks is an online program of healthy living therapy through a diet/diet based on whole plant foods and exercise that you do independently in your respective places by following the guidelines and directions from the Bandung Adventist Hospital team. For 12 weeks you will always be accompanied by specialist doctors, nutritionists and health professionals who are ready to guide and support you to beat type 2 diabetes. What You Get (within Bandung): 1.  2x laboratory tests at Bandung Adventist Hospital 2.  2x Medical Body Composition Test at Bandung Adventist Hospital 3.  Consultation of internal medicine doctors and nutritionists 4.  Online classes via zoom once a week for 12 weeks (every Tuesday/Thursday at 19:30) 5.  Dozens of healthy and fast recipe videos 6.  Full support and monitoring for 12 weeks What You Get (from outside Bandung*): 1. Consultation of internal medicine doctors and nutritionists online 2. Online classes via zoom once a week for 12 weeks (every Tuesday/Thursday at 19:30) 3. Dozens of healthy and fast recipe videos 4. Full support and monitoring for 12 weeks *Laboratory tests are carried out in the respective cities at the beginning and end of the program Program Schedule in 2022: January 18 - April 12 2022 17 Feb - 12 May 2022 24 May - 16 August 2022 June 9 - September 1 2022 6 Sep - 29 Nov 2022 22 Sep - 15 Dec 2022 More information contact: Willy Yonas - 08112183003 Dewi Puspita Wardhani - 087886723610 Expert team on this program:

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Whatever the variant, prevention remains with PROKES!

In recent times, we have been hit again by the "wind" of a new variant of Covid-19. It is still clear in his memory about the freshness of this situation that was safe and stable. Everyone is competing to go on vacation, to visit distant relatives, or to go out of the house because they were afraid to travel. The controlled number of Covid-19 has made the government relax the use of masks by noting: 1. In an open area that is not crowded with people 2. Activities in closed rooms and public transportation still wear masks 3. Elderly, comorbid, pregnant women and children who have not been vaccinated are required to wear masks 4. Sick people (symptoms of coughing and sneezing) must wear a mask The government has also announced a transition from pandemic to endemic if the situation continues to be under control. First, we need to understand what is Endemic, Pandemic and Epidemic. Epidemic is a sudden increase in the number of cases of a disease above the expected population in a certain area (the COVID-19 situation at the end of 2019 is called an epidemic in China) A pandemic is an epidemic that has spread to several countries or continents and affects many people. Endemic is the number of certain diseases that are usually present in a community. Cases that occur constantly in a population that spreads slowly. Examples of world endemics are Malaria, Tuberculosis, Influenza, etc This has just been discussed, around January February 2022, the SARS-CoV-2 BA.4 and BA.5 variants were first detected in South Africa and became the dominant variant in the country in May 2022. Launch the official website of the Ministry of Health, Saturday (11/6/2022), explained that the new subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 were first reported to be detected in Indonesia on June 6, 2022 and are predicted to peak on the second or third Sunday of July 2022. This is based on previous cases that experienced the peak of daily cases after a month was detected in Indonesia. It is known that the trend of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia is currently experiencing an increase. The seven-day average of daily new cases rose 70% to 1,688 on June 25. The "wind" of this new variant of COVID-19 should make us more alert, that prevention and at the same time an effort to decide the spread of Covid-19 is to continue to implement health protocols and make the vaccination program a success. Bandung Adventist Hospital has 7M Prokes, namely: 1. Using Masks Correctly 2. Washing Hands Wash your hands properly! 6 Steps to Washing Hands - Rub palms - Rub the back of the hand - Rub between fingers - Rub the knuckles in a lock-like motion - Rub the thumb in a circular motion - Clean fingernails in a circular motion 3. Keeping your distance 4. Avoiding the Crowds 5. Limit Travel 6. Avoid Eating Together 7. Enabling the H.I.D.U.P.S.E.H.A.T Pola Pattern - Happy Heart - Enough rest - Balanced Diet - Enough Clean Air - Self-control - Sufficient Sunshine - Energetic Exercising - Good Social Relations - Enough Clear Water - The Supreme God    So, if we ask WHAT SHOULD I do when another new variant appears, the answer will still be the same. Do the Health Protocols correctly. If we all understand this, then it is our duty to be able to educate others regarding this health protocol. Let's help each other to be together towards the endemic era. Without me, he wouldn't be able to. Without him, I wouldn't be able to. Because they have become us, and together we CAN lead to a better era. Greetings HEALTHY LIFE.

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